As in the past, for each day’s journal entry, I have omitted using a comments section. Past experience showed a lack of respect by non-invited viewers to add non-family-friendly ads and comments. For those getting to the site from my e-mail, send me a note if you have something to share (-:
p.s. I am adding this as I was starting to write about observations for Day 4, our meanderings about Barcelona. This journal is meant as a way for me to recollect my observations.
I sometimes like to pair up words. Examples are - observation & interpretation. What did I think I saw? We may have been at the same place, the same time, but our details may differ. I tend to focus on the positive aspects of places I visit. Does that mean there might be some "not so good" aspects of this place or trip? Maybe so, but prefer to find things to see or do that I will enjoy (-:
The other pairing of words are - motivation & expectation. What motivates me to go anywhere? What can I expect to see, do, eat, whatever? Simple answer is following the boy scout motto - "Be Prepared."
I realize we all prepare differently. Yes, I do read the literature suggested by the travel company. Helpful? Hard to say. My awareness for details mostly comes as we do our meandering. I may take many photos of something I am more interested in learning about. Maybe too, even a short note for specifics.
I will say though, the best part, even if more difficult, is putting thoughts down as I do for this journal. I have a template made of the layout. First, the schedule, whether my own or from the tour company. Second, the observations. I at times, highlight in bold lettering the items I want to do more research on since my quest for learning more tells me - check this out.
Most of the checking is done online. If I find any link(s) that I feel others who read this can benefit from, will provide a link. Most cases, I read and review the link information, and select which one would help me "interpret" my observation.
The same goes with photos. Note, this page has 3 photos. I try to show a story using those 3 - a triptych, I think it might be referred to.
Lastly, is the photos in the daily album. I invite the readers to take a visual walk with me for that day. Although I try to keep it to less than 2 dozen, there are times that I like what I remember of the place and add more. Sometimes, many more.
Again, you are getting a view after my review and sorting process. On a "typical" day, may take as many as 600 to a 1,000 "snaps" as I think of them. Not necessarily well composed, or any other usual photographer approach, but get it while I can.
Occasionally, I might even add a short video of something. This I do restrict on what I add to my journal. In technical details, too large a file size details slows down page load. This helps me, and what I hope other viewers, to maybe go though the entire trip by visually scanning the pages. Maybe find something of interest, and "sit a spell" and enjoy what I feel I want to share. What I learned, or is the proper term, learnt?
The number of days to review and do the writing is normally more than the number of days on the trip. Partly, because of my doing additional research, for my satisfaction. Sharing what I learned is just my nature. Most of all, it is FUN (-:
This year's trip, The Best of Spain: Barcelona and Madrid Details @ Road Scholar #21336
And, The Best of Portugal: From the Age of Discovery to Today Details @ Road Scholar #20983
Links for prior year’s adventure blogs are here:
2013 C2C Adventure - Mediterranean to Adriatic Sea
2012 GIMP Adventure – Galapagos Islands & Machu Picchu
2011 Pizza & Popes & People - Trip to Amalfi Coast of Italy & Istanbul, Turkey -
To simplify my work on this journal, will generally use 3 photos for each day – a triptych story. Can 3 photos tell a story? You be the judge.
A link will also be added for more photos taken that day. Probably no more than 20. For 27 day trip – just over 14,000 snapshots. So, what you will see is around 2%.
Each page will also include a few links that I feel will add to what we learned. As Road Scholar touts – Adventures in Lifelong Learning.
Here is Wiki link for Iberian Peninsula.
Photo 1. Is the computer desktop photo of a favorite area in Florida – Cedar Key.
Photo 2. Shows a screenshot of what many people dream of when the weather gets cold – a nice warm beach to enjoy.
Photo 3. Carol keeping busy in her Wo-Man cave designing and making quilts. Maybe time to get away before “cabin fever” comes. (-:
Today there is no online photo album..
An alternate web link to simplify your journey with us for mobile devices: